Replacing the default Windows 10 sound applet with EarTrumpet

I've recently started using EarTrumpet as a replacement for the standard Windows audio applet that lives in the notification area and been loving that it allows me to adjust the volume per application. Combined with the standard Windows functionality that allows the assignment of individual audio devices to specific applications results in audio management in Windows becoming quite configurable.

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Apple developer tools are frustrating

I've never done any MacOS or iOS development work myself but over the last week at work I've been attempting to package up a Python command line utility into a single executable MacOS binary to make it easier for people to use without them having to setup a virtualenv and install various packages, etc and I feel like I'm seeing how the sausage is made and it's maddening.

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Introducing S3Fetch

S3Fetch is an simple & fast multi-threaded S3 download tool built to make the process of downloading objects from a large S3 bucket as fast and painless as possible, especially if you need to download objects under a specific prefix.

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